polly wants a cracker


About Me
Poetry And Music

Shoutouts to my friends, whom I love <3

LOOK! I found WALDO!

Nikki - Well, I've known you for years before we even became friends, and you're a great, fun person. You're THE bomb. :) This past year, i've realized that we've gotten closer than we did before and I'm glad. I'm here for you always, good or bad. It doesn't matter. I hope nothing in the future comes between us, and ruin our friendship. BFF, Love Ya <3
Randi - There is one too many memories behind us. Some good, some bad. But it all works out in the end. I love ya for who you are. I hope you know that I'm there for you, and I know that you're there for me...Or so you say. Lol, just kidding. I know I never come to you cause I just don't have anything to tell. But when I do, I'll come find you. :).  There's a whole future of memories for us to create out there, BFF. Also, we are the queens of bargaining! Love ya <3.
Deanna - You, my friend is the one that made my first year at high school so much fun. I don't think, I'd know what to do if i never met you. But luckily I did, and we've had 3 years of fun together and there's going to be more years later to come. Lunch times were a blast eh? Walkin' around in circles, making fun of them..Haha. I hope you're reading this, cause you're one of those people that were threatening me to finish this website. So yeah, friends forever. I heart you. <3
Vanessa - My oh My, What to say. We've been friends for THE longest time. Gotta love Kindergarten with the little cute pigtails and snotty noses, and all the way up till TODAY. We're not really that close, and we don't get along sometimes, lol. Maybe it's cause we grew up with each other. Who knows. But we have many good times, like the ice rink ;) and hopefully there are more to come. Love ya <3
Megz - I never knew why we weren't friends in Grade 9, but in Grade 10. Doesn't make any sense if you ask me. But it doesn't matter now, we're friends and we will be forever. You're such a warm, caring person to me..Or most of the times. Haha, just kidding! I'll always remember those memories in Gym last year, you're the best. I hope our friendship will continue on and on, always. Love Ya <3
Danica - *pushes* Haha, I win. Just kidding, lol. I haven't known you that long, but that's okay. You're a great person in heart. Psst, You still hav e to show me your boyfriend :). *pushes again* Haha, Love Ya <3
Britt - I really hope you enjoyed the present that Mel and I bought you. You just have to love the Scooby-Doo socks! You're an awesome person, Britt. I'm really glad i'm friends with you. Gotta hang out more eh? Or, We can talk about the weather more! Lol, Good Times! Love Ya <3
Mel - You're my pretty sister! Haha, we've gotten  closer this year and it's a blast talking with you. I don't know why people think we're "twins" but that's okay. Love ya like a sister! Lol, <3.
Lindz - Don't think i could live during spare without you, eh? Even though you LEAVE early! Oh well, good times I must say. Many more to come <3
Emp - I've known you like before you left Southside in Grade 5. Now that we're back to the same school, we've regained that friendship of what we used to have. You're a great person, <3
Julie - We have to hang out SOMETIME! It'll be FUN! Yay, You're a awesome person and your photography skills stuff is awesome! Haha, <3
Heather - Hey Dood, I haven't seen you lately. But I miss ya, Come down to Woodstock sometime eh? <3

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