polly wants a cracker

Three Times

About Me
Poetry And Music

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three times to cut through skin
three times I drive it in
each teim a little blood escapes
each time a new new shapes
scars i keep to remind myself of my flaws
scars remind me of the things i caused
things i never meant to do
things that i said were untrue
lies i told you to make everything right
lies i told to block your sight
for you will never see the blood i shed
for you will never see my hatred so red
hatred i hold myself everyday
hatred i have for myself in anyway
the way i look, think and act
the way everyone thinks they know me fact by fact
so i sit here bleeding
so i sit here screaming
silent cries of my self hate
silent cries of my lost hate
maybe i'll wake from this reality
maybe i'll stop dealing myself such bruality
somehow my prince will come rescue me
somehow the pain someone will see
i'll sit and wait until the day
i'll cut and bleed my life away.

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