polly wants a cracker

Expiration Date

About Me
Poetry And Music

I'm leaving
there's no point in being here
you all go and cry your silly tears
my life has been wasted
memories copied and pasted
so many things i forgot
so many things i bought
this world is so sad
anyone who wants to go ahead as seen as bad
I tried so hard to make you see
but in the end, you know, it was all on me
i no longer have a name
i have a heart full of pain
a head full of crap
my entire life is floating around me, just like that
everything is just a waste
i swear, i even hate my own rhymes
but i hate everyone else even more
but now even hating seems like it's a chore
so now here i go
away with the wind that blows
i tried to tell you loud and clear
that much longer would i be here
i'm gone.

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